View from a Ukrainian Anarchist comrade.

Wessex Solidarity

‘When masters fall out their men get the clout’

The struggle between different groups of the big capital – of power and of “opposition” – led to implement of tightened laws which transformed Ukraine in a police state. The extreme right forces from “Right Sector of Maydan”, no more controlled by the “opposition”, went to attack against Cabinet of Ministers on the Grushevsky Street in Kiev. This resulted in a brutal confrontation with the special repressive forces of “Berkut”, “Yaguar” etc., and it resulted in the causalities among protesters: several people were killed. The authorities crossed the line, showing the real essence of bourgeois democracy. The situation in the Ukrainian capital becomes tenser.

Now the wage workers facing the eternal question: What is to do? Whether to support the opposition or support the government? To go to “Maydan” – or to stay at home? To support these or others politicians?…

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About Bristol Antifascist Cooperative

There are many fascist groups operating in Britain, but the biggest threat comes from the British National Party who in recent years have done their utmost to hide their fascist politics beneath a thin veneer of respectability. Bristol Anti-Fascist Cooperative oppose all fascist activity, but destroying the BNP and EDL is our current priority. Their presence on the political landscape pushes the wider political agenda to the right to the cost of working class people. Bristol has long been a haven of working class organisation and anti-fascist sentiment. In recent years, however, there has been a marked increase in organised fascist activity. We exist to oppose and beat back this rise in fascism as well as to act in solidarity with other anti-fascist movements locally, nationally and internationally.
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